How to get Robux

Now that we have seen what Robux is, the next question is, “How can I get my hands on some Robux?”. Well, there are a few ways and also will give you some ways on how to get free Robux. Essentially, you can either earn or buy Robux. Buying Robux from Roblox is a simple and safe process. This can be done from the Roblox game website, or from the Roblox smartphone/Windows 10 application. The bulk purchase of Robux is only available via the mobile application. Up to 80 R$, which costs about 0.99$, can be bought from the windows ten application. Higher quantities, up to 10,000 R$ can be done from the mobile application. However, beware of scammers that try to lure you in with offers of free or discount R$. These are usually scams and need to be reported.

The other way is that you can earn R$ by playing. This is possible through various activities. Becoming a Builders Club (BC), Turbo Builders Club (TBC), or an Outrageous Builders Club (OBC) member earns you R$ daily, 15, 35, and 60, respectively. You can also earn by developing a game. If a visitor purchases game passes, gear, et cetera for our game, you are given the same amount of R$ they spent. Also, it is possible to distribute Robux in a group by using the “Group funds” section, if the group turns out to be successful.

Buying and selling collectibles, trading collectibles with other players, selling shirts/pants, selling your creations, et cetera are other great ways to earn some Robux. However, these are available only if you have a Builders Club membership. If you don’t have a Builders Club membership, you can still earn Robux. You can create game passes- small badges on-site that offer a bonus for whatever game you play. You can also earn by enabling VIP servers for your game.